I do wish to state that the information on
the blue dragon on here as it is a work in progress. There are many types and colors of blue and that affects the personality
traits of individual dragons. The color blue alone represents the water and air elements and depending on other aspects
they vary greatly. I hope to give enough information so you may get to know your blue dragon better and sense what type wisdom
it will give you.So if it does not fit your dragon you need to look at other aspects it may have. Some is taken from RPG game
Dungeons and Dragons which does not necessary mean they are accurate discription but merely to give a guide line to dragon
types and colors.
Here is how we found Aaron's Fearthainn. It is all connected to
his love of certain things, his birth sign. His age. Many factors go into discovering your dragon companion. It is a
series of connecting the dots and it is the dragon itself giving you the clues you just have to follow them and then you begin
to see your dragon. Aaron spoke often of rain and many other factors and through that here is what the dragon was telling
him. He felt his dragon was blue and a female. Below you see how it all fell together.
Rain is a Water Element.
Your Dragon is Blue which is water element(your emotions and love of rain need of peace) or sky ( you are a air sign) .Water
is Female energy( your dragon is female) . Time of life .. youth ( you are young)
Blue dragon meaning :
Element blue dragon is for healing, relaxation, peace, trust, and exploration .
water element influence .
emotions, love, compassion, healing, dreams, divination, intuition and psychic abilities and influences
of kind, timid, shy
The manifestations of the
element of water are rivers, oceans, lakes, wells, rain, fog, ice, snow, streams and all drinks. Animals, especially the dolphin,
seal, turtle, frog and all types of fish are also thought to personify the element of water. Other mythic and legendary creatures
of water include the Mermaid, Oread, Naiad and Sea Serpent. Water Elemental Characters are commonly described as kind, timid,
shy, and commonly weaker. But, some of the most dangerous natural disasters are water based. Examples are hurricanes, tsunamis,
and tidal waves.
Air element. Yellow for sun or Blue for the sky.
Air is the element of the East, connected to the soul and the breath of life. If you’re
doing a working related to communication, wisdom or the powers of the mind, Air is the element to focus on. Air carries away
your troubles, blows away strife, and carries positive thoughts to those who are far away. Air is associated with the colors
yellow and white.
Given the dragon is blue these elements bring on the personality and wisdom of these elements
to the person who it connects to. It will often times be a guide or spirit dragon or both. It can be any shade of blue
and usually depending on other factors have yellow on it or white.
Sapphire Dragons:
The Sapphire
dragons control the subterranean domains. While most of the territory above the realms belongs to the Emerald dragons, they
keep a small portion of the surface area as their own as well as the extensive caverns beneath the tropical jungles. Sapphire
dragons protect their territory from outsiders, going as far as to distrust everyone who even comes close to their borders.
Giant spiders make up most of the Sapphire dragons' diet. While warlike in nature, they are not quick to attack. They like
to observe the intruder so they can formulate the best tactics. The breath weapon for the Sapphire dragon is a shock of high
pitched, almost inaudible sound.
Blue dragons are orderly creatures and are unusual for chromatics
in that they keep fairly well-ordered, hierarchical societies. They are
more likely to be mocking and manipulative than outrightly cruel or
murderous to 'lesser' creatures, aided greatly by their natural talents
for hallucination. They are infamous for tricking desert travelers into
drinking sand or going miles out of their way to avoid nonexistent dust
basins. Their breath weapon is a line of lightning or a large electrical
Physical description
A review of blue dragon anatomy.
Blue dragons are physically distinguished by the single large horns
protruding from their heads and also by their ears, which are rather
large and frilled. The tail is thick and bumpy, like that of a
caterpillar. The wings are more pronounced than most other species'.
They smell like electricity or sand.
The blue dragon excells at aerial combat, perhaps moreso than any
other species of dragon. Their lightning discharges are very easy to aim
at other aerial foes, or at creatures below them on the ground. They
are also extremely adept at burrowing in sand, and often lie in wait
just below the surface of the desert for prey. When they are so
burrowed, their large horns can easily be mistaken for pointed desert
Breath weapon
Blue dragons use a shocking burst of lightning.
Blue dragons are native to arid wastelands and deserts. They make
their lairs in underground caves; easily accessible to the dragons, as
they can burrow through the ground. These dragons fly above their
territory, using the bleak landscape and its sparse terrain features as
their best chance of spotting opponents. The typical blue dragon lair is
dug into one of the towering rock formations that dominate desert
landscapes. As with all dragon lairs, the blue dragon's lair will have
two entrances: one at ground level and hidden by the sand, and one
opening onto a high ledge on which it can perch and survey its
territory. Each lair also has a large subterranean cavern with a large
pool of water and a sandy beach, which its inhabitant will use for
drinking and relaxation.
Parenting and development
Despite their evil nature, blue dragons are actually excellent
parents to their young, and will rarely leave their eggs unattended.
Blue dragon eggs must be buried in warm sand to incubate. Blue wyrmlings
are actually quite cute, but they are quick to taunt any other
creature, and even quicker to hunt small desert creatures for food.