Dancing with Dragons by D.J. Conway
Fire Dragons
Draig Teine
Transmutation, Mastery, Energy
are the words best describes
this powerful draig
Flaming draigs often guard
caverns, for initiation or hidden treasure. They protect the cavern from desecration by the greedy and to offer their treasure
to those who are worthy.
Traditions of the Draig-Teine
Draig Teine is concerned with
kingship, leadership, rulership and mastery. And it is because of this that the Druids could have good contact with these
positive aspects
The Draig Teine brings vitality,
enthusiasm and courage and increased ability to overcome obstacles and to find the energy needed to cope with life's problems.
Having the powerful Draig Teine as ally will align you with the qualities of leadership and mastery. With care, he will fuel
your inner fire which can be directed and channeled with laser like precision to help you accomplish tasks and achieve objectives.
negative aspects
You may be repressing a good
deal of anger. That's when these dragons are in the foreground. This may make you feel that you are not in control of
your life's energy. Either you experience this energy as out of control--erupting without warning or constantly bubbling near
the surface--or you may sense it scattered or dissipated.
Are you often lacking in energy
and vitality? Do you find it hard to get excited or motivated? Or do you find you have too much nervous energy making you
over excited, unable to sleep, concentrate, or relax?
Whether you have too much or
too little energy, developing a harmonious relationship with the Draig Teine will help you.
If you are lacking energy,
you may need to ask the dragon to give you a little more of the treasure he is guarding.
Or if you find your energy
level too high, you have need to ask for the reverse--to ask the draig to take charge of some of your energy, guarding it
fiercely, sure in the knowledge that you will be given access when you really need it.
Draig-Teine like the Volcano
can be dangerous, but if the inner rage that has been repressed for so long can be expressed and worked with in a therapeutic
setting, he can become a powerful ally.
Draig Teine

Note these
draig's are some of the most powerful of the draig clans. When calling them be
very aware.
How to call them
These draig are from the Southern
Quarter and their King is Fafnir.
The colors of these draigs
are red or orange.
candles colors of the draigs
all colors of the flame--red, orange, white, yellow and blue
Subspecies are
volcanoes, deserts, and chaos
Positve aspects associated in calling these draigs
noon time, the dagger, the sword, candles, incense burners, any kind
of helpful fire, masculine energies, blood, enthusium, activities that change ideals for the better, passions, courage,
willpower, and leadership.
Negative aspects associated in calling these draigs
hate, jealousy, fear, anger,war, ego, conflicts, lightning, volcanos,
forest fires, harmful fires of any kind.
Herbs associated with Draig Teine
Allspice, Anise, Balm of Gilead, Basil, Bay Laurel, Wood Betony,
Boneset, Caraway, Cardamon, Cascarilla, Cassia, Cedar, Chamomile,Cinnamon, Cinquefoil, Clove, Deers Tongue, Dittney of Crete,
Dragon's Blood, Frangaipani, Frankencense, Ginger,J Juniper, Lemon Verbena, Mastic, Myrrh, Oak, Patchouli, Pepper, Pine, Rosemary,
Sage, Sandlewood, Squill, Storax, Vertiver, Violet, Yerba Buena, Yerba Mate, Yerba Santa.