Dancing with Dragons by D.J. Conway

Personal guardian
draigs come in various colors, shapes, sizes and ages. And usually, but not always small but a little smaller than the full
grown draig. Often the little guardians are colored on pastel or lighter shades with belly scales of myrids of hues.
The reason why these dragons
are smaller is because they are serving an apprenticeship. They are the younger draigs. The older draigs range from tiger
size to huge. Their scales are more pronounced and harder than the little ones who have bearly discernible softer scales.
Draigs are slow growers, a juvenile
stage could last 100's of years.
Guardian Draigs serve their
apprenticeship by learning about humans, by working with them. It helps them strenghten their individual powers . As with
all schools, the little guardian draigs are supervised by older more mature draigs. You may or may not see these teachers.
This supervision is for the safety of all concerned. The Little Guardian Draigs can get a little exuberant at times in the
quest for knowledge and their desire to aid humans.
Although the powers of guardian
draigs arenot as strong or focused as those of Larger draigs they can help with protection. It is one of the first skills
that a draig learns. Some of the qualities that are developed in this stage of their training is friendship, love, divination,
tarot, runes, crystal readings, development of psychic abilities, dancing, singing and general rituals.
Having a guardian or guardians
from the draig kingdoms has distinct advantages. They become quite protective of you and your home and your family and pets.
These little draigs are more or less astral watch dogs of all things that matter to you.
With guardian draigs, there
is no clean up, one feeds them on love, respect, and positive and negative engeries. They are invisible and quiet to most
uninitiated humans. They can be noisy with distrubing noises uncomfortable vibrational feelings and sometimes actual appearances
to those they feel will benefit their friends distress or harm in anyway.
Guardian draigs are playful
and love to play with household pets. If your household has children they will appear to them on a frequent basis. They are
drawn to the playful and innocent auras of the children.
The sex of the draigs will
be determined when they are older. Unless they tell you themselves.
Draigs especially, guardian
draigs love rituals and will practice and participate with your rituals even give you some ideas that you may incorporate
into the ritual to make it more powerful, healing and closer to the purpose of the ritual.
Of all the draigs, the guardian
draigs, are the most friendly. Because they still believe and trust in humans. They may have been instructed by their
teachers that humans must be taken cautiously. They will like any other young eager to learn enitity they will learn on a
case by case basis.
When you treat these wonderful
entities with the same respect and awe that they have for you. Your experience with these defenders and protecters will be
a life long and wonderful experience
Guardian Draigs
These draigs love the smell
of ginger, sweet and spicy incenses. they are very interested in divination and hang over your shoulder to see
what you are up to and will make many comments and have any questions. Treat them like an enquiring mind that is your equal.
They may see something that you don't. They cannot not keep knowledge to themselves. They love to share. So the more you encourge
them to share by asking their help the more input they will give.
They love storytelling and
storytellers, make sure that the story includes the wise, brave and wily dragon that helps to win the day. It is very hurtful
to them when they hear the stories that make them out to be less than they are.
If you want to see a dragon------
use a rock crystal or quartz
crystal. It must have points terminated on at least one end. It doesn't have to be a clear quartz slightly cloudy is actually
Hold this crystal up on your
third eye (the middle of your forehead) and use its power as a magnifying glass to see their image.
The most important fact that
you should realize about their cheeky, lovable draigs is they have individual tastes just like humans. Treat them with respect
and honor their imput as you would a good and trusted friend and they will be your ally for life.
chant to call these draigs
Little draigs rainbows bright
good friends of this family
send good wishes to us all.
Join our rituals merrily
Protect us through each day
and night
While awake or while asleep
Through your love and vigilance
to this family safely keep.
herbs that will attract
the guardian draigs
as mentioned before about ginger
and sweet and spicy incense, here are a few more
Acacia, Anise, Aspen, Balm
of Gilead, Basil, Bay Laurel, Benzion, Wood Betony, Bistort, Calamus, Camphor, Cardamon, Cascarilla, Cassia, Catnip, Chamomile,
Sweet Cicley, Clary Sage, Clove, Deer's Tongue, Dittney of Crete, Dragon's Blood, Frankincense, Ginger, Jasmine, Juniper,
Lavender, Mugwort, Myrrh, Oak, Rose, Sandalewood, Vertiver, Violet.
stones that will attract
the guardian draigs
rock crystal, herkimer diamonds,
moonstone, loadstones, eyestones {tiger eyes}
candle colors that will
attract the guardian draigs.
Red, yellow, orange, green,
blue, brown, black, white, indigo, turquoise, gold, silver.