Dancing with Dragons by D.J. Conway
The Draigs of Light and Dark
The white (light) and the black
(dark) draigs rule the center of the circle and balance all the other elements. Through invocation of these
draigs of light and darkness, the practitioner is able to mix a blend of the elements that will bring forth the desired manifestation.
This family of draconic creatures works with all
the other elements, but particularly with those of chaos and destruction. It may seem paradoxical for draigs
of light to join forces with those of the darkness and chaos, but it makes perfect sense to the knowledgable. Sometimes in
order to create something better, the old ideas, old forms, and old ways of living must be broken down and re-created. Most
creatures and especially humans are comfortable with the way things are and don't anticipate with any joy any upheavals. We
think that we would be the happiest if there were never any negative occurances in our lives., If everything always ran smoothly
without hitches. But a static life would be very boring indeed. And the Universal law will not tolerate static conditions.
Everything is required to change and keep growing or it is recycled into another more productive form. I'm not saying that
this is pleasent. At times it can become overwhelming, unnerving and downright frustrating.
I try not to use the terms good and evil when teaching
about light and darkness, because this does not give a good picture of the actual forces. Every element including light and
dark has a negative side. The element of darkness has a definate place in magick and everyday world if properly used.
The negative current of power is just as important to life and magick as is light or positive power. WE are not talking about
Satanism here. That is a totally different animal. And its purpose is not to balance the elements in its philosophy.
The most effective praticitioner is one who can blend
the elements of light and dark. Certainly no practitioner worth their salt is going to be a doormat. They will protect themselves
and their loved ones when necessary, but will not go out of the way to dominate or harm others if at all possible. A pracitioner
cannot possibly understand and work with the light without acknowledging the exisitance of the dark. What they do with either
light or dark comes down to the understanding of themselves and practicing self-discipline and good morals.
A method of control for the elements of
light and dark
Since the elemental type draigs of whatever color
can be unpredictable, working either for or against the pracitioner, the pentacle disk (the five pointed star on a wooden
disk) and the draig pentacle are kept with in reach on the altar. These keep the elements within the control the practitioner.
To do this properly, the pentacle disk is used with one point upward symbolizing that the draigs of light and darkness (or
the elements of Spirit) always rule over all elemental kingdoms.
The draigs of light or light
of Spirit
Rule positive power
currents in life and in magick.
Their color
is symbolized by white, a male energy.
Positive associations
All forms of day, the Sun, the pentacle
dish, the draig pentacle, the white altar candle, the staff, the salt dish, reching toward the spiritual, balancing karma,
seeking the truth, bettering life on all levels, positive attitude towards all things, psychic guidance, helpful light magicks.
Negative associations
Self righteouseness, I have the only
way attitude.
The Draigs of Light exist
within a space where light is completely separated from darkness, a place where Primordial Matter is constantly being formed
into physical manifestation. Within their jaws they old a precious gem that metaphorically grants the wishes and desires.
It is not unusual to find these draigs holding their tails in their mouths while they are sleeping or resting.
This tail in the mouth symbol
is represented among human's earliest depictions of draigs, a symbol of continuity and stability. When the Light
Draigs release their hold on their tails, they stand ready to use their vast powers for creation.
Acacia, Anise, Aspen, Basil, Bay Laurel,
Benzion, Wood Betony, Bistort, Camphor, Cascarilla, Cassia, Catnip, Cedar, Chamomile, Cinquefoil, Clove, Deer's tongue, Dittney
of Crete, Dragon's Blood, Frankencense, Henna, Juniper, Licorice,
Mastic, Mugwort, Myrrh, Parsley, Patchouli,
Pine, Rose, Sage, Sandalwood, Squill, Storax, Thyme,

The Draig of Dark Darkness or
dark of the Spirit

negative power currents.
The color
is sometimes black; a female
the Positive associations
of darkness are:
all forms of night the Moon and stars,
the pentacle disk, the dragon pentacle, the black altar candle, the staf the salt dish, rest, dreams, psychic guidance, balancing
karma, seek the truth, helpful dark magick.
The Negative associations
of darkness are:
deep anger, hate, fear, unjustified
revenge, working against karma patterns, mentally distorting psychic messages so that you hear what you want to hear, harmful
dark magick.
The Draigs of Darkness
or unformed matter were give the title
of That One. These Draig exist in a place where time has no authority where physical light and darkness are not phyiscally
separated yet, where Primordial Matter waits to be formed into physical manifestations.
As with the Draigs of Light the Draigs
of Darkness rest with their tails in their mouths. However when they release the tail, they break down forms of energy
we would call this destroying. This dismantling of energy is necessary so that the draigs of light can recreate it in a new

Acacia, Anise, Aspen, Basil, Bay Laurel,
Benzion, Wood Betony, Bistort, Boneset, Cascarilla, Cassia, Cedar, Chamomile, Cinquefoil, Clove, Deer's Tongue, Dittney of
Crete, Dragon's Blood, Frankencense, Henna, Juniper, Licorice, Mastic, Mugwort, Myrrh, Parsley, Pepper, Pine, Rose, Rosemary,
Sage, Sandalwood, Squill, Storax, Thyme, Yerba Buena, Yerba Mate.